New Album

New Album
Fallen Fortress
At the heart of emptiness
Out Now

The origins of the band trace back to an adolescence filled with friendships and heavy metal. In 2004, Daniel Delgado (drummer) joins Tomás Guerrero (guitarist) and Diego Quiroz (guitarist/vocalist) to record an EP full of black metal titled Earthly Purgatory (2006), under the name Fallen Fortress.
For their second release, the band, now more influenced by the death metal scene, releases their LP Dehumanized (2011), produced by JT García.
Between 2011 and 2014, the band, focused on their LP, tours the national circuit, until they finally go on a 6-year hiatus.
In 2020, the band decides to pick up where they left off, starting to compose what would become their latest release, At the Heart of Emptiness (2025), with the addition of the band’s current bassist, Christopher Oros (ex-Warchest/Ground Meat).
The album is filled with emotion and, despite the complications brought on by COVID-19 and geographic barriers, it finally sees the light of day thanks again to the production of JT García. With a sound steeped in black/death metal, this album aims to propel the band to make its mark on the current Chilean metal scene and help show that Chile is a country of metal.


Daniel Delgado

Tomás Guerrero

Diego Quiroz
Volcals / Guitar

Christopher Oros




Press: International

Metal Hammer (España): Fallen Fortress regresa con «At the Heart of Emptiness»

Dequeruza (Argentina): Fallen Fortress lanza “At the Heart of Emptiness”

Kronos Mortus (Hungría): FALLEN FORTRESS releases new LP with ex Rotting Christ guitarist

Metal Universe (Canadá): Fallen Fortress dévoile « At the Heart of Emptiness » avec un ex-membre de Rotting Christ en invité

Press: National

Rockaxis: “At the Heart of Emptiness”: Fallen Fortress lanza su tercer álbum

Futuro: Fallen Fortress entrega su nuevo álbum «At the Heart of Emptiness»

Power of metal: FALLEN FORTRESS regresa con nuevo disco «At The Heart Of Emptiness»

The Pichangas: Review “At The Heart Of Emptiness”

Metal Cry: FALLEN FORTRESS lanza nuevo LP con ex ROTTING CHRIST de invitado

Zerovarius: Fallen Fortress regresa con el pre lanzamiento de “At the Heart of Emptiness”.

Eat My Records: Fallen Fortress regresa con el pre lanzamiento de “At the Heart of Emptiness”

Klandestine: Fallen Fortress desafía los límites del metal con su nuevo álbum “At the Heart of Emptiness” 2025

Contact Us
To book Fallen Fortress for an original show, please reach out at contacto.fallenfortress@gmail.com directly.
We’ll get in touch as soon as possible